Fees and Payments
Hunter Street Baptist Church is committed to offering a quality educational opportunity at a competitive and affordable price. Many homeschool cooperatives require facility usage fees and registration fees. Because the homeschool cooperative is a ministry of our church, these fees are minimal.
Registration Fee: $250 per student. This fee will cover the cost of administrative portal, teacher supplies, photocopying, and technical support. This fee is due as part of the registration process.
Tuition is $1,400 per year.
The tuition may be paid in one of two ways.
The full tuition may be paid on or before the first day of class.
Tuition may be split in half with each payment due no later than the first day of class for each semester.
The faculty is compensated by tuition. It is expected that you will honor your commitment to compensate the faculty. The faculty has made a commitment to teach for the full year, and it is your obligation to compensate them for the full year.